Un Cuento de Navidad - Live Spanish Reading of A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens.
Read by Mario Rincon
Mario Rincon teaches Spanish in the New Paltz school district. He is also a musician and life-long disciple of the great folk traditions of the world. Rincon draws on his Hispanic, Appalachian, and Anglo-Scottish roots to craft a bi-lingual blend of timeless famenco "cante" and classic Americana.
Bah, paparruchas!!!
Únase a nosotros para una lectura en vivo por la tarde del clásico de Charles Dickens, "Un cuento de Navidad". Leído por el músico local Mario Rincon. El evento incluirá sidra caliente, ponches calientes y galletas. Todos son bienvenidos.
Join us for an afternoon live reading of the Charles Dickens classic, “A Christmas Carol.” Read by local musician Mario Rincon. The event will include mulled cider, hot toddies, and cookies. All are welcome.